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In the heart of metropolis and yet within reach of authentic wildlife

Just step outside of the hotel and walks through Prague's historical center are at hand, including visits to the old pubs, restaurants and cafes. If, on the other hand, you feel like a little privacy and relaxation in beautiful nature, enter the surroundings of Brusnice creek in Jelení příkop valley, which extends the Royal Gardens (Královská zahrada). Enter the corners of nature, unavailable for public access for the last 200 years, have a rest in the shadow of a hundred-year-old lime tree, where president Masaryk himself used to sit and rest, and indulge in the comforting sight of all imaginable shades of green.

Royal Garden is one of the most beautiful gardens in Prague. It spreads across 3.6 hectares. While the Royal Garden with its English lawns, large flowerbeds and stunningly decorated giardinetto is fully maintained,

the Jelení příkop valley is kept in its semi-wild nature. Filled with the forest smell of oaks, larches and pine trees, and intertwined by numerous paths and alleys, the valley reminds of romantic and untamed wildlife.

The paths are lined with benches. At the mouth of the valley there is a lime tree where president Masaryk used to go and rest. The lime tree has then been circled with a so-called Masaryk's lookout by the architect Plečnik,  which is offering a beautiful and unique view to the Castle, the nearby Hradčany palaces and to the Petřín hill.

In the 14th century vineyards were covering the southern slopes only to be replaced by imported deer game in the 16th. The deer were often hunted straight from the windows of their residences by the local gentry. They had not lasted long – during the French occupation in the 18th  century  they were exterminated and only a name (the Deer Valley) has been left since.

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